
Inmobiliaria Alberto Álvarez



  • 26 Metros
  • 0 Baños
  • 0 Alcobas

Medellin - Centro

Bodega cerca de la estación del metro san antonio y el tranvía, en todo el centro de medellín. en el sector hay peleterías e insumos de zapatos, apto para bodegaje de insumos o fabricación de zapatos.



  • 9 Metros
  • 0 Baños
  • 0 Alcobas

Medellin - Centro

Esta es tu oportunidad de reactivación económica, local comercial ubicado en el centro de medellín, ideal para que le des desarrollo a tu actividad económica. local ubicado estratégicamente ya que esta a solo una cuadra del parque bolívar lo que hace que tenga gran variedad de comercio a su alrededor. anímate y pide tu cita.



  • 65 Metros
  • 0 Baños
  • 0 Alcobas

Rionegro - El Faro

Gran oportunidad de tener su negocio en nueva torre medica, en el usted podrá estar acompañado de reconocidas entidades de salud, lo cual le dará reconocimiento especial a la misma, adicional está cerca de ella la clínica somer y comfama de rionegro. valor arriendo $ 4.100.000 mas iva mas admón. esto incluye un parqueadero sencillo. contáctanos, te brindaremos la mejor atención !

You can pay your lease up to

8 months in advance

Terms and conditions apply*

Where do you dream your ideal place?

Find it with us in Medellin, the Aburra Valley or the East of Antioquia.

Our Partnerships

Our Partnerships

Inmobiliaria Alberto Álvarez
Inmobiliaria Alberto Álvarez
Inmobiliaria Alberto Álvarez
Inmobiliaria Alberto Álvarez

About us

A dream born 65 years ago

The first real estate agency in the city of Medellin, which fills us with pride and provides us with a high degree of responsibility

Frequently Asked Questions

The commission that must be paid for the management of the sale of the property is 3% plus VAT on the value of the property

The general expenses include rent, registration, and notarial fees. If the purchase is made through a loan, the expenses will be stipulated by the bank for its formalization. Some of these expenses are divided equally with the seller, which depends on what was agreed during the negotiation

For the rental area, we have coverage in La Estrella, Sabaneta, Itagüí, Envigado, Poblado, Buenos Aires, Boston, Villa Hermosa, Prado Centro, Robledo, Laureles, Belén, Cabañas, Fabricato, Niquia, Marinilla, Rionegro, La Ceja, San Antonio de Pereira, Carmen de Viboral, and El Retiro.

For the sales area, we have a presence in La Estrella, Sabaneta, Itagüí, Envigado, Poblado, Medellín downtown, Laureles, Belén, Rionegro, Llanogrande, El Retiro, La Ceja, Marinilla, El Carmen de Viboral, Guarne, and Santa Elena.

*These areas are subject to conditions

The commission that must be paid is 10% plus VAT.

You need to send us the basic information, such as: owner’s name, phone number, email address, property address, space characteristics, and square footage. If the property is for residential purposes, you need to send us the property tax document. With this document, we can promote your property with a rental fee that is in line with the market.

If the property is commercial, you also need to send us the public services, land use, and information on the KVA of the property.

Apartments, houses, studios, stores, warehouses, offices, clinics, commercial properties, lots, and more.

Do you need help?

Leave us your message

Exclusive Properties

Coming soon

Luxury properties for sale in the most prestigious areas of Medellin. Leave us your email to notify you


Contacta a nuestro asesor de ventas

Déjanos tus datos y nos contactaremos contigo lo antes posible:

Carolina Sisquiarco


Contacta a nuestro asesor

Déjanos tus datos y nos contactaremos contigo lo antes posible:

Contacta a nuestro asesor

Déjanos tus datos y nos contactaremos contigo lo antes posible:

Yuliana Azcárate


3d Tour


116 Metros

116 Alcobas

116 Baños

116 Parq.

116 Estrato

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